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NTP/問い合わせテンプレ英語版 のバックアップ差分(No.4)

 プロバイダや、ルータのメーカに NTP サーバについて問い合わせるときは、以下のテンプレートを使うと良い塩梅。
  Dear user-support,
  In Japan, an overload problem (*1) of a certain NTP server is 
  getting into a news on some of the web news sites and so on. And 
  they say that the NTP servers of ISPs should be used instead of it.
  (*1) http://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/0501/21/news059.html
  (in Japanese)
  This *1 article means:
  "The NTP server of Fukuoka University seems to be embarrassed"
  - Fukuoka University server, the originator of the NTP server (for
   use of time-matching) [in Japan], is embarrassed because of an
   use of time-setting) [in Japan], is embarrassed because of an
  intensive access concentration. Let's review the setting of your
  time-matching software etc. -
  time-setting software etc. -
  Increasing the access to the "clock.nc.fukuoka-u.ac.jp" at Fukuoka
   University, the originator of the NTP(Network Time Protocol) server  
  [in Japan] used for time-matching of PC and so on, its manager gets 
  [in Japan] used for time-setting of PC and so on, its manager gets 
  According to the content written in the "Time matching thread" 
  According to the content written in the "Time setting thread" 
  [http://pc5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/linux/1008318869/500-] of the 
  "2-channel" [a gigantic BBS of Japan] with the name of the assistant 
  professor of this university "Tsuruoka, Tomoaki", the access to this 
  server goes up to 900 times per second, and it consumes up to 2Mbps of 
  the bandwidth of the university's access line.
  Its host address is said to be embeded in some ADSL modems. 
  [cf. http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~plonka/netgear-sntp/] It is recommended 
  that the MS-Windows PCs, for instance, should access to the servers of 
  ISPs for the good load-balancing.
  Afterwards, an NTP server list of each ISP 
  [http://pc5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/linux/1008318869/568] was published 
  in this thread. 
  The NTP server of Fukuoka University has been started in 1993,
  and the various time-matching software and so on have been using it 
  and the various time-setting software and so on have been using it 
  as the default NTP server. However, the accuracy lowers when accessing 
  server from the [network-ly] distance in principle. So you should better 
  access to the [network-ly] nearby NTP server. The user who is using 
  the time-matching software resident or the native NTP client function 
  the time-setting software resident or the native NTP client function 
  of the Windows should better to review the setting of the server 
  So all ISPs including your ISP might take it into consideration 
  of installing NTP servers for use of your ISP's users. Please examine 
  for it. 
  Thanking you in anticipation.

(HTML conversion costs 0.006 sec.)